"The practice of art should have an effect not only on the public, but even more importantly, on
the artist himself, by enlarging his sphere of freedom....Each picture is valuable only insofar as it
contributes to his development, because it enables the artist to go on in a freer, larger way to his
next picture"
Wolf Kahn
Click on the images to see larger photos
Welcome to my site!

Here you will find references to the technique of marquetry and its
history, my curriculum vitae, photographs of my work
, what I'm doing
now, plus a lot of links to art and marquetry sites.
The explanation of ideas intents to be accurate enough to dissipate what I
believe are misconceptions -i.e.: art or craft, age of the technique, details
in the evolution of marquetry, etc.- and, thus, to contribute to a better
understanding of this medium..
All rights reserved to Cristina Alvarez Magliano - © Copyright2013
All text and images not belonging to Cristina Alvarez Magliano are rigorously quoted to the
original authors and the citations recognize the source (titles, editions, references and access
to them). If you want to use it 'not for profit'  you must:
a) Require the authors permissions for works not belonging to the owner of this site.
b) Recognize the authorship of Cristina Alvarez Magliano by quoting the phrases or ideas as
hers, with citation of this site, in the case of the rest of the information available in these pages.
Images and design cannot be copied.
Fine Art in Marquetry
The site of Cristina Alvarez Magliano